Io Casino
Creative help was at hand, too, from my grandmother Megar, who had a degree in Fine Arts and managed the Jaimes Art Gallery in Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona. I helped her to hang exhibitions and also, she took me along to visit antiquarians related to her business as an art merchant, thus acquiring a solid bagagge of names, styles and manifestos. My vision of that world enlarged thanks to our talks about the masters, the art scene and reproduction techniques.
At the end of the 70s I spent my summers in Breda, Gerona, at J.Puiggali's, my grandfather, lending a hand in his museum-shop "BredArt" which housed the most relevant pieces of popular Spanish ceramics, Catalan antiques and other art works. During the 80s my family joined the Grupo Z publishing team. In the afternoons, this gave me access to the rooms where the artwork for their publications was being done. At the time I spent my evenings attending fashion parades, plays, concerts and comic presentations. In the early 90s I studied illustration and design at the Andorra la Vella Art School and painting techniques in Sant Julia de Loria. In 1994 I enrolled at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios in Llotja Avinyo, Barcelona. It was then when I discovered my path, when one book took me to another in my constant search around the libraries: Biblioteca Nacional de Cataluña, in Hospital Street, Barcelona, and in Andorra, both at Sant Julià de Loria and the Government library.
"Pequeños Anuncios", a series of visual poetry is born. It is my work in progress, a step by step metamorphose which ended up as an installation at the Barcelona Metronom having previously been presented with Joan Brossa in Cornella. Within the same conceptual frame, "Poemas Electricos" and the work in progress "Anuncios Sociales" were also born. Between 1997 and 2001 I investigated pictorial hiperrealism on images of "Pequeños Museos", a series for specific venues. Concomitantly I joined the G.T.S. collective where I investigated at a professional level. The task envolved overseas commitments related to research, creation and curating experimental music up to the year 2007. I organised over 1000 shows, among which hundreds were my own creation, in Europe, India and America as well as promoting my own records, projects and compilations.
As a sculptor I produced the series "Kaxinas" of an animistic nature between 1994 and 2014
In 2014 I decide to devote my entire time to fine art and ever since my visual creation has consistently been in touch with a rather more mature attitude of meditative abstraction, with what lies within, as a result of many years of constant work which is still ongoing.
Relevant Sound projects, group and solo exhibitions
2024 Spring exhibition, group show at Taranmana Art Gallery, Escaldes, Andorra
2023 “Meditations” Taranmana Art Gallery, Escaldes, Principality of Andorra
2022 “Músiques Indómites”, Joan Brossa Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
2021 Sound artistic residency, Cérbére, France
2021 “Poemes Oulipo”, convocatòria Post Brossa, Joan Brossa Foundation, BCN, Spain
2020-2021 AUDIOSFERA, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
2016 “Un altra Mirada es possible”, research on Gender Stereotypes within the Andorran Museum Space. Andorra, Principality of Andorra
2013 Phonos Foundation, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
2010 Wie se ihr gefaellt? Berlin, Germany
2006 TUBE, Munich, Germany
2005 Gasp Gallery, Boston / Experimental Intermedia, New York, U.S.A
2008 Les Abbatoirs, Toulouse, France
2007 Digital Poetry Fest, Kala Academy, Panjim, INDIA
2006 Instituto Cervantes-Llull, TUBE, München, Germany
2005 Gasp Gallery, Boston, U.S.A.
2005 The Red Room, Baltimore, U.S.A.
2005 Experimental Intermedia, New York, U.S.A.
2005 Sophiensaele, Berlin-Mitte, Germany
2005 Zeppelin 2005, CCCB, BCN, Spain
2005 REMOR Festival, House of Culture, Girona, Spain
2004 Experimenta club, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
2004 Abroad, Berlin, Germany
2004 Astra stube, Hamburg, Germany
2003 Joan Prats Gallery, BCN, Spain
2003 Bruit de la Neige Festival, Annecy, France
2003 Sound Art Classroom, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cuenca, Spain
2002 Bunkier Sztuki, Audio Art Festival, Krakow, Poland
2002 Hambuergeuer Banholf, Berlin, Germany
2002 Circle of Fine Arts, Madrid, Spain
2001 Improvisohrium, Huttwill, Switzerland
2001 Galvanic, Zug, Switzerland
2001 MACBA, BCN, Spain
2000 ICI, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2000 Chapel of Sant Nicolau, Girona, Spain
2000 Queen Sofia Art Center, Madrid, Spain
2000 Science Museum of Terrassa, Spain
2000 To Sting Festival, Milan, Italy
2000 Île Danse Festival, Ajaccio, Corsica
1999 Oggimusica Festival, Balerna Switzerland
1999 Electronic Festival, San Sebastian 1999 Batofar, Paris, France
1999 Rome Biennale, Italy 1999 Joan Prats Gallery, BCN, Spain
1999 Zé dos Bois, Lisbon
1998 Mu Theater, Budapest, Hungary
1995 “PHYSIOLOGY OF NIHIL" in the exhibition hall of the Department of Culture and Youth in the Clara Rabassa Building, Andorra la Vella, Principality of Andorra
1995 Exhibition Hall of Andorra, Principality of Andorra

Io Casino
Ever since I was able to hold a pencil properly I have devoted myself to transcribing life around me into graphics. My father was a builder and contributed greatly to my grasping drawing lines and understanding technical plans. His architectural studio was to be my first workshop where thought was tantamount with drawing.
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