Jordi Casamajor - Researcher and disseminator of rock art Set of engravings found in the area of Aixirivall, Sant Julià de Lorià, Principality of Andorra
Jordi Casamajor (Sant Julià 1971) is a researcher and disseminator of rock art and the megalithic heritage of the Pyrenees, graduate in fine arts, sculptor, illustrator and amateur photographer. He has jointly published with David Gálvez, the book Gravats rupestres d'Andorra, l'Alt Urgell i la Cerdanya.
Text from the exhibition Notes on the anthropocene.
That which is sacred
The dead are sacred in all human cultures. We share with animals the fact that we have a life cycle and that we will eventually die, despite the fact that we think that animals do not foresee or understand their death, which is inevitable, like ours.
Jordi Casamajor travels the mountains collecting and recording everything he sees and finds there. The urn presented here is a commemoration of the animals of the mountains and also a reflection on the transience of existence; that death is part of life, and that, through death, we seek metaphysical transference. In the Anthropocene, death accelerates. But Casamajor's drawings of the creatures he finds show and celebrate the great age of scientific discovery in the 18th and 19th centuries, when humans were still discovering the diversity and exuberance of life.
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